Watching (again) the discussions about TDD and subsequent presentations and pondering them for a while I have reached an important conclusion for how I should regard my own reactions and thought patterns. I have come to realize that being prepared to throw away code without giving it a second thought is a Leading Behaviour. Naturally this is only the cases where the code and the features it brings can no longer be motivated by the existence of requirements.

What took longer time without me realizing it what that the same applies to tests. Let’s say I have written tests that give me a healthy dose of confidence. Then I can change things and be quite certain that I didn’t break anything. Now we can roughly divide tests into two categories: tests that test how something is implemented and tests that only verify behaviour. During implementation a test that tests how code is doing something is often quite handy. It can help you write the code faster. Yet as soon as the functionality is verified it instead becomes an impediment. We are no longer free to change the code. Maintainability is paramount. How easy it is to change code is very important for maintainability. It makes sense to delete these tests. Only keep tests that verify a behavior outside in, keeping implementation details a secret from the important tests. We would like for this not to reduce code coverage but if it does in places it is a price we should be prepared to pay.


26 April 2015


