Looking at the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2016 Results it is possible to calculate a trend. Taking some of the figures and putting them in an orgmode document (which is also a spreadsheet if one wishes) renders the following table:

| Year | *nix |  win |
| 2013 | 38.6 | 61.4 |
| 2014 | 41.2 | 58.8 |
| 2015 |  42. |   58 |
| 2016 | 47.9 | 52.1 |

In a few years the developer share drops nearly ten percent. Developers not so much. One can suspect that this triggered the recent bash on windows improvement whis is excellent and will be a relief for many developers.

If they replaced the NTFS file system with something better and some other things it starts looking really interesting.


02 April 2016


